Lets Get Organized.

I love colors. I learned in college that I do best when I organize my thoughts with colors. Highlighters, markers, blue ball point pens… they are all my jam. I feel like I can better see my thoughts, keep track of things, and overall it makes me happy to flip through my paperwork and see a rainbow. It brings me back to my childhood.

February measurement and checklist page

February measurement and checklist page

Knowing this, I decided to try something relatively new for me. I started a bullet journal to record my journey through ketosis and overall better health. The beauty of a bullet journal is that you start with a blank journal and organize it based on my needs. Do I want to record your travel plans? How about my productivity? I decided that I want to keep track and plan out my steps toward a healthy lifestyle. 

The first section of my journal is my measurements.  Every Monday, I record my progress in weight and measure the inches of various parts of my body.  Having a record of this, I can look back and realize the progress I have made. When weight fluctuates as it often does, I can see that I am down in my inches and realize my progress. Weight alone is weird. It can really put me in a tail spin if I don't lose the pounds when I put in a bunch of effort. I only allow myself on the scale and with the measuring tape once per week.

I also have my daily checklist on this page. This is my most satisfying section. This is where I get to see my daily progress. It helps me to remember to drink four mason jars of water per day, as well as take all my vitamins.  It also reminds me to do my 20 min of mediation, and my journaling. I also have my daily paperwork and emails on this list, mostly so I can cross it off, or rather color in the appropriate box. At the end of the month, I have a pretty multi colored design that I find so satisfying.

January measurement and checklist page

January measurement and checklist page

My workout plan

My workout plan

My workouts are also recorded. In this section I write down my work out program, and record the reps and sets that I accomplish.  I have each workout allocated by day (color coded of course to match my daily checklist). This also allows me to show my coach how I am doing with my workouts, and where I need additional focus. 


The next section is where I record my meals.  The left side of this section I write down my plan. This helps me to think things out at the beginning of the week so I can meal prep. Meal prep is so key for my success with eating well. It totally helps me to stay away from the less than nutritious foods I gravitate toward when I am hungry. On the right side of this section, I write down the time and what I ate for the meal. This allows me to see what meal times are most key for me. 

I then have a section allocated to a daily to do list. This is mostly for the random daily projects I need to accomplish that I will forget about if I don’t write them down.  This keeps me accountable.


Lastly I have a general journal section. This is where I record my thoughts, my experience with the diet, my workouts, or just stressful and exciting things that happen during the day. It kind of works as my catch all. 

I have tried something like this before and got through about two weeks then my excitement for it faded away. As with any change in lifestyle, sometimes you just have to keep trying things until it sticks. So far, this has been working for me. It does take a bit of time to manage it, but overall i have seen a massive improvement in my productivity. I encourage everyone to try it out, and see how it works for you. There is no harm in trying.